fredag 12 oktober 2012


Idag var jag sugen på att baka och första temat som jag kom på var reddit. Eftersom det är Halloween snart  så  blev det Halloweenfest och reddit. 
Ljusa tårtbottnar och dumlefluff, spacklad med vaniljkräm och täckt med sockermassa.
Till mina redditvänner :)!

12 kommentarer:

  1. From Reddit, many thanks for the cake! It looks delicious and I would break my diet for just a sliver. I can smell your home, filled with the wonderful scents of baking, from here. Nothing smells so good as bread or cakes baking in an oven. Tell your children they are lucky kids!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, brightened up my day :).

  2. Beautiful cake, great job! Each piece looks handcrafted with love, and the world needs so much more of that. I'm sure this cake was enjoyed by all who encountered it.

  3. Hej från Reddit! Det är en härlig tårta.
    Hopefully that sounds all right... I used Google translate. :D

  4. I will have a piece Mrs Gogabakar, thanks.

  5. This is the cutest cake! It puts me right in the Halloween mood.

    Also, that cross-section reveals how delicious it looks as well.
